Analysis: BTC $45,000 Resistance, Key Zone Accumulating Average Cost of 2-3 Year Holding Addresses

Cryptocurrency quant contributor Gustavo Faria emphasizes that the $45,000 mark for Bitcoin serves as a critical resistance not only from a technical standpoint but also due to a significant accumulation of holdings by mid-term investors. He explains, “The $45,000 level is a concentration zone for the average acquisition cost of investors who bought BTC 2-3 years ago, and this group, still maintaining positions in the current market, is confident in the long-term value appreciation of BTC. Addresses holding BTC for 2-3 years control 16% of the circulating supply, a substantial 33% of the market cap, potentially influencing the market. Breaking through this resistance zone could strengthen optimism in the market, but failure to do so may lead to selling pressure.